Friday, October 9, 2009
Jane Mckie’s poem ‘Tin Quartet’ refers to those jobs that no longer exist and tells the story of a harsh and uncomfortable occupation. The poem also makes reference to working in very bad conditions and this fact reminds me of a situation that I noticed while I was doing the subject Trabajo de Campo in second year. I remember my group and I had to observe an English lesson in Escuela de Comercio Nº 3 and the teacher was really nice with us. The thing is that there was not enough physical space and the students sat uncomfortably. The board was all written and there was very little space left where the teacher wrote whatever was necessary. It was also too hot and they did not have a fan either. It was evident that none of them were cosy there. Then we spoke with the teacher and she told us that unfortunately students are victims of bureaucracy and we, as future teachers will have to learn to work with the little resources we may have.
In the two short stories ‘The Secret Life of Dads’ and ‘Seagulls’ I could notice that they both make reference to work and identity and also to power, expectations and disappointment. In ‘Seagulls’, when the protagonist, who is a puppeteer, talks about not having much luck in the job he has chosen. This reminds about my parents’ expectations when I told them the career I wanted to follow. They said that I was going to be underpaid and that because of my temperament it was going to be very difficult for me to deal with children and adolescents. Thanks God this have changed and in the last years I became in a person much more patient and I learnt to deal with adolescents and in the case of working with children, I have realised that working with them means coming back to my childhood and I really enjoy teaching them. They have something special that when I spend time with them I feel full of life…I feel happier.
Some people work because they have needs. They have responsibilities and though they do not like what they do, they do it anyway because it is just a job for them. For some others, and I include myself, our work shape our identity, making our labour significant and part of our every day lives. I have to say that I consider my job a blessing. I have the pleasure to teach people, especially children and I feel I am being part of the development of our future, and that makes me feel very proud of. Sometimes people ask me why I chose this career and the first thing I answer is ‘because I enjoy it’, and I think that it is great when you do what you like and what you enjoy, and that is what I feel about my work. I love it and the love that I have for the English language becomes me in someone more patient and helps me to encourage and motivate my students to learn it. The day that nobody enjoys my classes I will seriously consider giving up as I would not like my students to feel they are obliged to stay in my classes. I want to transmit the same passion I have for this language, otherwise I will put an end to this.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
My last entry =(
PETS: A cat called Brian,that never stays at home,1 German Shepherd called Tommy and that I love him, and a little black dog called Nico,which if weren’t for my mother I wouldn’t have realized he was a boxer :S
FRIENDS: I don’t have a million of friends(as the song says) but I love them very much and I thank God for each one of them.
CAREER: I’m on the road to become a teacherJ
MUSIC: I liked listening to music...I think it is one of the most pleasures in life
FOOD: well, What can I say?? I love food in general
LOVE: My family, friends and don’t expect me to give any name =P
And weel,that’s it...I don’t have enough time to think about more questions. Next Time I’ll think about much more questions.
Losing my fears
Now I feel much more confident with myself and I know that I can count on them whenever I need it. I really thank God for giving me the opportunity to live my life again and to have such great people as friends with me.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Wondering about...
could happen in my life.
Wondering about all those wishes
that are just about to come true.
Wondering about those feelings
that don’t want to come to light.
Wondering about the desire
that is present but somehow wants to hide.
I thought he was going to steal my bag ‘cause he has his eyes fixed on it and I think he would have done it but if it weren’t for one of my neighbors who saw what was going to happen and he stayed there with me( which I appreciate it for that). When he stood up right there next to me,the child just went away. Then an elderly woman arrived to the bus stop and started talking to me she told me that child was high and that he had been consuming paco.She told me he was 7 years old and that his parents didn’t pay him attention (which seemed to be rather obvious). When I asked the old lady how she knew the child was using that kind of drug, she said ‘because my neighbours sell it and I had seen him buying that stuff there’. Just as if she were talking about sweets and cakes!.
Now my question is,what do the goverment and these children’s parents are waiting for? It is known who are the people who sell and traffic thins kind of drug so why doesn’t government take into account these things? Children die everyday for the high toxicity that leads consumers to lose their minds.
And their addiction has taken them to robber,steal or even to kill people in order to get some money to afford the drugs. This situations is unbearable and harsh laws should be applied to fight with this.
Going out for a drink or staying at home to drink mate...anything can be an excellent excuse to see them. A couple of weeks I met a group of boys who are great people and that I already consider them my friends. It is nice to make new friends and they are welcomed to my world. Having wonderful friends as I have is one of the best things that happened in my life.
and in those nightmares
that come from time to time.
Trapped in my mind
and in all the thoughts
that I want to left behind.
Trapped in your lips
and in all those kisses
that made me lose my mind.
Trapped in my heart
and in all those feelings
that came just to change my life.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Tired of who she is when she is with him
Months have passed and they met for the first time. It was quite nice to meet someone like him because since the very first moment they saw, they got on well each other. She has to admit it. She knows she’s not an easy going person. Her best friend says she has a special personality but she knows that means she’s someone difficult to deal with. Just a few people have the ability to deal with her and he is one of them. She also has to recognize that despite of being ten years alone and having the idea of being a single woman forever, she couldn’t help it but to have the illusion of starting something with him and having a relationship.
Complications arrived immediately and came together with confussion. She couldn’t accept to be an option for him and she put an end to what they had. She felt really bad to know that nothing that she thought of would come true.
Besides all that situation, she still was in touch with him and they decided to be friends again (just as they started). From time to time he wanted to talk about them but she managed to let him very clear that there was no ‘them’ anymore and he just laughed. He always says she is not sensitive enough to talk about that kind of things.
Anyway, these last weeks they have been talking about try it again. Well, he wants to try it again but she’s not quite sure about it. They are too different and they have different purposes in life. I mean, he is an incredible person and she loves him very much as a friend. He knows things about her that she could never tell to anyone else. He understands her crazy thoughts and she really feels sure of everything when he’s with her but she doesn’t want to start all over again. But despite of all the things I’m saying now, when she talks to him she feels someone else. It’s like she can’t do what she thinks. She doesn’t want to surrender to him. She doesn’t want him to feel able to manage to deal with her. Don’t ask her why but she just hate that.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Seize the day
These last days I have learnt about some people I know are dealing with different diseases and some of them are terminal illnesses. Knowing this I wonder about what they think about it; whether they’re sad, hopeful, positive or negative and how their life has changed since the moment they learnt they were ill.
Though I know what I have is not a terminal disease, I know that if the tumour becomes a malign one, that may change my expectations of getting better. I don’t want to be dramatic but there are times that I think what would happen if...and that’s not good, I start thinking about things I shouldn’t and I would like to follow the message of ‘enjoy every day as if it were the last’. It’s like I don’t want to think about the end but I feel that I need to do something. I don’t want to regret for not doing the things I want. I don’t wanna spend my life being afraid of everything... I think I have lots and lots of things in my little head and I can’t put my thoughts in order. I hope to change that.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Those wishes of going away came to stay...
However, Argentina is adopting a liberal attitude toward recreational drug use and personal use of illicit substances sems to be decriminalize in the following months.
Our country has the highest percentage of people who consume drugs.The substance that is the easiest to get and that is cheaper and more dangerous than the rest is paco,which is a highly addictive chemical byproduct of cocaine production.This drug affects the poor especially and Government is not doing anything to stop this.
Argentine President Mrs Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner said she dislikes the fact that people who have addiction problems be condemned as if they were criminals. She thinks the ones that should be persecuted are the ones who sell and traffic the substances.I have to say that partly I agree with our President, people who traffic and sell illicit substances should be severally punished. However, people with addiction problems shoud be treated.
Instead of being sent to jail, they should be sent to make a treatment in rehab institutions that the state should provide for them. I think that the decriminalization of the personal use of illicit substances may lead people to abuse of them and that is why this proposal should not happen.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I’m not accostumed to failing and everytime that happens I get furious with myself, but once those feelings go away I feel much better and I understand that the best I can do is to focus on improving in those things I have failed.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Yesterday I went to my cousin’s house to meet him and I fell in love with him. He is so tiny,and quiet and so beautiful that I really loved to see his little eyes stuck in his mother everytime she said a word. When he started to cry, his mother held him and spoke to him and he just smiled and relaxed. It is incredible how someone so small can change your life so my dear cousin Daniela, as I told you yesterday, you’re very lucky to have him and enjoy every moment you spend with him.. I love you both!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Thirteen months ago I had to do a magnetic resonance and it was the worst experience I had to go through. I don’t want to exaggerate but try to understand me, I was inside that little tube for almost an hour! I thought I was going to die! I remember the only thing I thought was how much oxygen there was left or how much time I had before starting to feel I couldn’t breathe! Of course, once I got out of it I couldn’t help it but I laughed so much that some people walking in the streets looked at me as if I were crazy. Well, I think they were not that wrong but anyway...I’m still alive!
Tomorrow I have to go through that experience again and you have no idea how much I hate it. I know nothing would help but only to remember that after a couple of minutes inside that tube I’ll be laughing again of myself.
During my life as a student, I have had different kinds of teachers ranging from those ones who underestimated students’capacities; another kind who treated students as if they were an annoyance; and those ones who exploded students’capacities and took out the best from them.
If I had to write a book with anecdotes with my teachers during my life as a student, I’d have dozens of stories to write about. Some of them make me feel ashame of myself and some others make me feel proud about. But I have to say that I’ve learnt from each one of them. I have learnt what a teacher should or should never do with their students. I have seen the best and the worst and I will take that into account the day I be in front of a class.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
St.Valentine's Day
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Things that I have in mind for the time being...
Too much for a little head,huh?
Friday, January 30, 2009
Enero Tilcareño..
The place where I had the pleasure to visit was Tilcara, in Jujuy,and I have to say that I have no words to express the beauty of this place and all the sensations that the rest of La Quebrada de Humahuaca and some other places transmitted to me. My friends were a great company and it was possible for us to visit places like Humahuaca,Purmamarca,La Quiaca and we even crossed the Frontier and we went to Bolivia.
We had the pleasure to walk through El Paseo de los Colorados,which has wonderful sights of naturally carved stony formations. It was a truly delight for our eyes.
After having lunch we went to Las Salinas, which is to 66 kilometres from Purmamarca. Before arriving there, we stopped in a place where the scenic overlook was breathtaking and we also stopped in a famous place called ‘4170’. This place is called like that because that is the height over the level of the sea. We took some pictures and we quickly entered to the car as a strong storm was coming closer and closer. This was the highet point I’ve ever reached so imagine how proud I felt as I am an enemy of high places and I couldn’t have been so happy of being there and being alive!=)
Yavi is only 16 kilometres from the east of La Quiaca and only 339 inhabitants live in adobe wall houses with roofs made of reed, clay and straw.
One of the biggest attractions in the city is The San Francisco Chapel. This building was finished in the year 1690 and the pulpits and the altar are covered with gold plate. It was a wonderful place to visit.
That night we came back to the house very late and we were exhausted. As it was our last night there we were suppossed to go out again but we stayed at home,prepare our supper and we ate it on bed.
The following day we decided to do something that some of us were not that convinced to do.We went to La Garganta del Diablo which is a huge slice or indention into the side of a cliff formed by rain water over a long period of time.Two of my friends were not convinced at all to be able to go there,but I really wanted to do it. I think that day I discovered I have an adventurous side! We were able to climb all the way in and I went up as far as I could. One of my girl friends got into a panic attack and she didn’t want to even look at the precipice,but thanks God everything went great and we enjoyed of this beautiful place. The risk and the two hours walking and climbing were really worthy=)
Coming back from La Garganta del Diablo,we went to El Pucara de Tilcara,which is located on a hill just outside Tilcara. This place was declared a National Monument in 2000 and it is the only publicly accessible archaeological site in La Quebrada de Humahuaca. We took as many pictures as we could and we quickly came home to look for our bags. Our bus was arriving in 1 hour and we still had to buy some souvenirs. As a conclusion what can I say? I can say I fell in love of every place I visited. The beautiful places I saw will be impossible to raise from my mind. They’ll always be there and I hope next holidays to come back there and repeat that great experience. And finally I really have to thank my guys for making our trip so wonderful. I really enjoyed being there with you.I love you all and bye-bye!Friday, January 16, 2009
Like a torture
Anyway,I know I have to make up my mind and start working hard in order to pass this subject. I hope to succeed in it soon if I want to get my degree.
As for me,I haven’t started any new activity for the time being and maybe that’s one of the reasons why I’m getting so bored. In the morning I get up early so I have enough time to write my entries and work with the reading log because I have to prepare my portfolio for the final of Language IV. After having lunch I take a nap and then I get up to watch some TV. I have a fitness cycle which is unused during almost the whole year but now I’m taking advantage of it. Then in the evening I watch some movies and before going to sleep I read some of the books I have to read for the final. My summer holidays are not interested at all and just God knows how much I hate everyday routine. And yeah...I know it’s my fault and I should do something different to change the routine, but I don’t know what.
For the time being,I’m planning to go to Tilcara for a few days...I can’t wait to go there and have my contact with nature and take thousands of pictures of the place. I really need some rest. Every human being should have some rest and recharge batteries.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
On the road
IG: innocent girl
RG: realistic girl
PG: positive girl
PG: All right girls...Who’s going to drive the car?
IG: I don’t know. Everytime I get in a car I fall asleep.
RG: mmm...all right, all right...I’ll do it then, but one of you will have to stay awake to chat with me 'cause I easily get bored while I’m driving, especially at night.
IG and PG: (looking at each other) Ok, that’s fair...
After a while the girls start their travel to the Coast in Argentina. Once they are in the road, they start talking about themselves...
PG: All right RG, why don’t you tell us something about you?
RG: Well, there’s not much to say. I’m studying hard to get my degree as soon as possible because I want to get a job. I know it’s going to be difficult because of the current situation in our country but I’d really like to get my dream job and I’ll work hard for it. Besides, I want to move on to live by my own.
IG: Really? And you won’t miss your family?
RG: Yeah...I suppose that will happen at the beginning, but I’m already a grown up girl adn I need my own space, you know?
PG: Yeah, I get it, and I’m pretty sure you’ll succeed at it.
RG: I hope so. And what about you, IG? What can you tell us about you?
IG: All right, for the time being I’m studying to get my degree soon and I want to start a new career.
RG and PG: you what??
RG: C’mon girl. You haven’t even finished one and you want to start another? And which career are you going to start to study?
IG: Fotography, and yeah...I know it’s going to be difficult. Especially because this career is a little bit expensive and I’ll need to get a job to afford it, but I’m sure everything will be fine.
RG: And are you in love?
IG: Well, I really don’t know. Now I’m dating with a guy but it’s not serious yet.
RG: Oh...then you can’t be in love. You’re barely getting to know each other...
IG: Yes, but I really like this guy...
RG: Ok,that’s fine. But you can’t say you don’t know if you’re in love if you have just met and you don’t have anything serious. Do you know what I mean?
IG: I guess so. But I think he’s the right guy.
RG: Why do you say so?
IG: Because we get on well each other.
RG: Well,I have boy-friends to whom I get on well and I don’t think they are the right guys for me...
PG: Well RG, try not to be so negative!Why don’t you let her think he is the right guy?
RG: Because she is extremely innocent and men will treat her as a fool! (talking to the IG)You have to see the real world girl! Here we don’t have princes who will rescue us. We have men who, in the majority of the cases, do what they want with innocent girls as you so be careful!
IG: Thanks for your advice, but I’m an adult and I know what I do, and there’s nothing wrong in trusting in someone you love.
RG: A ll you like it. I’m just warning you.
IG: Ok, and haven’t told us anything about you...
PG: Well, what can I tell you about me?...This year I’ll be getting my degree and I’m going to get a job. I hope to get my dream job and work with children. Two years ago I had the pleasure to work with children and I have to say they transmitted their energy and happiness to me. I really was fascinated with them and I’d them and I’d like to repeat that experience, but of course,this time being a teacher and not just a pasante.
IG: And what can you tell us about your personal life? Do you have a boyfriend?
PG:’s not a boyfriend in fact. We have just met and we’re dating for the time being. We started being friends first so we really get on well each other. He’s a great person and he knows me pretty well. Surely we will have a great future as a couple.
RG: Well,that’s start little by little, but what will happen if you both realize you are not made for each other?
PG: I think in that case we will continue our friendship. As I said before, we started being friends and it would be stupid to put an end to our friendship first because we,as a couple,didn’t work. Friendship would be more valuable in that case. But let’s try to think everything will be all right.
IG and RG: Yes,you’re right.
IG: emmm...girls...aren’t you hungry? I’m starving and I haven’t eaten anything since this morning...
RG: We should stop to buy some snacks and cigarettes.
PG: Yeah,I’ve just finished the last cigarettes and I’d like to buy some coffee. Don’t forget we have 7 hours left.
RG:’re right. Let’s stop here and see what we can get.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Recently, I’ve read ‘Persepolis’ which is a black and white autobiographical novel by Marjane Satrapi depicting her childhood in Iran after the revolution.
The author was raised by forward-thinking parents who taught their daughter to balance independent thought with respect to her Islamic faith. Satrapi begins her story with the imposition of veil-wearing for women and the separation of the sexes in school. Later on the story, you will notice how much her brutal honesty get her into trouble at school on more than one occasion because of the mandatory veil-wearing.
What I liked the most about this story is that the book reinforces both the ways in which coming of age around the world can be the same, and yet so different for kids. Marjane Satrapi writes with the innocense of a child and the knowledge of a grown woman and I think this combination is what makes this book something very interesting for the reader.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Things I'd like to accomplish this year
- To be a teacher: I have to say that the teaching practices were a great experience for me because they helped me to start having an idea of what follows after graduating. I had the pleasure to work with different groups from EGB 3 and Polimodal and they gave me the confidence I needed to be in front of them. I could manage successfully with situations that were present in class and that also made me realize that no matter how good enough you plan your classes, sometimes instead of trying to focus on them you have to try to focus on the student. That doesn’t make you a bad teacher.
- To start working: I really hope to start working this year. I feel that I need to have my own incomes. I always considered myself an independent person but the fact of not having a job doesn’t let me be as independent as I would like to be.
- To be more tolerant: I am a very patient person (especially with children and adolescents) but I can’t be very patient with adults. That’s why I promised myself to be more tolerant with them. I know some adults’ actions drive me crazy but this year, I’ll work on that because I am supposed to be an adult too. I also make mistakes and I’d like people to be patient with me.
- To modernize my wardrobe: yeah…I know it may sound stupid but I’m the kind of girl who has a terrible mess in her wardrobe. I also keep clothes for years, in good conditions of course, but old clothes anyway. I mean, I don’t want to be fashionable but I’d like to change my clothes. To use more colourful clothes. I tend to use dark colours and I will never forget once when a little girl, who was one of my students asked me if I was sad because of the colour of the clothes I was wearing at that moment. I didn’t know what to answer to her. Besides, last year I spend a lot of money in photocopies for different subjects or for my students while I was doing my teaching practices and I didn’t buy new clothes for me! And no no no, I have to start thinking about myself.
- To be more organized: I’m 25 years old and I have to admit it, I’m not as organized as I would like to be. Shame on you, Carolina!, but it’s true! I don’t know why but I dislike the idea of planning carefully what or how I’m going to do something. It’s so stressful for me!
- To save money: I hate this time of the year when everybody are on holiday and I just stay at home doing nothing but watching TV or reading something
I can’t help it. I can save enough money to afford my own holidays. Hopefully this year I’ll start working and I will be able to save enough money so next year I can have the holidays that I’ve been waiting for a long time.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
I don’t know what it may be wrong here. Is there something wrong with me or with the rest? It would be so easy to blame men in general and say that they are the problem, but I’m not that kind of girl who can’t see her own flaws. If I’d have to describe myself I’d say I’m quite independent, tolerant, trustworthy and brave. Sometimes I am a sentimental fool and I accept it! And I also contradict myself (no, I don’t!)
And as I said before, I don’t have enough experience in relationships and sometimes I don’t know what can be good or not for me. For instance, when I realize my relationship with some guy doesn’t work I don’t suffer. It’s like I become disenchanted with it in a couple and immediately I get over it and move on with my life as nothing would have happened. This really surprises me. It’s not common for a human being to get over things just like that. Perhaps I don’t let myself to suffer or it’s because I’ve never met a person who have really caught my attention.
I’ve just recently broken up with someone. This guy is a great person. It’s incredible how well we connected from the very first time. However, I think as friends we get on well greatly though as a couple we were too different. I spent beautiful moments with him but well…it was better to let things just as they were and to continue being friends.
If you ask me whether I miss him I have to be honest and say yes, I miss him a lot. Now we’re friends though he insists on coming back again but you know what? I love him very much but I’m not interested in changing my convictions for anyone. I won’t deny that I miss spending time with him. He is a very interesting person, but I prefer being alone…what can I do?...I’m accustomed to it.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Despite of the fact that it is a benign tumour, I pray every day to get better and if not, I would accept whatever God decides for me. I’ll respect his will.
Since the very first moment the doctor told me what I had, I promised myself to live every day as if it were the last, and I have to say I’m enjoying every minute. Of course there are times in which I think about what could happen if the treatment doesn’t work and I get upset and hopeless because I know I may lose the opportunity to enjoy my life. I am a negative person, you know?...I can’t help it.
But why to think about probabilities?. It’s much better to live your day without knowing what will happen and make sure that if something goes wrong, you will have done whatever is possible to enjoy your life.