Monday, February 23, 2009


In my country, Argentina,drugs’ consumption is considered illegal and it is forbidden.
However, Argentina is adopting a liberal attitude toward recreational drug use and personal use of illicit substances sems to be decriminalize in the following months.
Our country has the highest percentage of people who consume drugs.The substance that is the easiest to get and that is cheaper and more dangerous than the rest is paco,which is a highly addictive chemical byproduct of cocaine production.This drug affects the poor especially and Government is not doing anything to stop this.
Argentine President Mrs Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner said she dislikes the fact that people who have addiction problems be condemned as if they were criminals. She thinks the ones that should be persecuted are the ones who sell and traffic the substances.I have to say that partly I agree with our President, people who traffic and sell illicit substances should be severally punished. However, people with addiction problems shoud be treated.
Instead of being sent to jail, they should be sent to make a treatment in rehab institutions that the state should provide for them. I think that the decriminalization of the personal use of illicit substances may lead people to abuse of them and that is why this proposal should not happen.

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