Friday, May 25, 2007

Oral Presentation

I would like to give my opinion about the topic I prepared for my oral presentation. The topic I talked about was The Argentinean’s war veterans. From the very beginning I knew it was going to be a very hard issue since all the difficulties and miseries the veterans have gone through and also the indifference they have been treated with during these years. But I could never imagine that apart from being ignored by the state, they have been ignored by the media, and I say this because when I was searching for information for the oral presentation, it was difficult for me to find recent news about them.
One of the issues I focus on was the massive suicides that have happened among them since the Malvinas war ended and there was not many websites dedicated to them or even to the current situation of the veterans. What I do found was an article in La Nacion online, in which the most significant information was the fact that our president was not present in the act of the 25th anniversary of the Malvinas war and there was only one paragraph mentioning the suicide of the veteran number four hundred since the war ended. And my point is not to dedicate a whole article to this worrying situation, but the media support them as they have not been supported by the state.
While I was looking for information for the presentation, I read an interview made to one of the soldiers which made me realize of how frustrated they feel about this war. This soldier says many of them feel disappointed for not being recognized and besides that, they are susceptible. He told that for the 24th anniversary of this war there was going to be an act in the most important square in Rosario in honour of the death soldiers, and one of his partners committed suicide when he learnt about this because he thought they were going to reunite to come back to war. The thing is that he was asked what we could do to help them, and he answered that with only keep them in our minds was enough.

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