Thursday, April 17, 2008

To be a woman and to have price

Trafficking in women is a form of modern-day slavery and one of the most urgent human rights issues facing the world today. It occurs in almost all countries of the world. But specifically here, in Argentina, trafficking women is one of the most lucrative forms of international crime.For years, trafficking rings have grown on the exploitation of women from developing countries. In our country, women are caught by newspapers offering well-paid jobs as waitress or in other provinces, taking advantage of the bad economic situation the victim may be going through.In our country exists a system of organised crime that captures women, sells them and puts them to work as prostitutes in slave-like conditions.In Tucumán, there have been cases of women who have disappeared from their homes and they haven’t come back yet. Their families have claimed for them, they want them to go back, but they haven’t got any answer from the government. One of the most known cases is that one of Marita Verón, who was kidnapped from one block from her house in April 2002 when she was 23 years old. Since that moment, her mother, Susana Trimarco de Verón, has launched for the search of her daughter. Until now, she helped to rescue more than 100 women who were trafficked to work in brothels in La Rioja and Entre Rios. But this case is not the only example. In Tucuman, there have been more than 100 cases in the last years regarding women and girls who have disappeared.Many of the missing women come from different social backgrounds but especially from lower classes.Investigations should continue in order to provide assistance for the victims. Some months ago, Mrs Trimarco de Veron created a foundation which gives support victims and helps them to reintegrate to their communities.Personally, I have to say I admire this woman as since the very first moment she has shown strength and bravery, and she highlighted a situation which goes unnoticed in our country. Thanks to her efforts, Human Trafficking is gaining attention in our country and victims are being encouraged to report these crimes.

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