Title: Big Brother Horror Show
Date: November 1st, 2007
Source: http://www.thefirstpost.co.uk/index.php?storyID=9400
Conglomerate: a corporation consisting of a number of subsidiary companies or divisions in a variety of unrelated industries, usually as a result of merger or acquisition.
Undiluted: not weak.
Air: to broadcast or televise.
Drinking bout: a long period of drinking.
Copious: large in quantity or number; abundant; plentiful.
Adamant: utterly unyielding in attitude or opinion in spite of all appeals, urgings, etc./ determined or insistent.
Comatose: affected with or characterized by coma.
Chump: a stupid or foolish person; a dolt.
Footage: a shot or series of shots of a specified nature or subject.
Main Ideas
- African viewers saw a woman being assaulted by one of her housemates on Big Brother TV show.
- Viewers claimed to be concerned about this fact but TV producers say that there is no indication that she was unconcious at that time and that it appeared to exist consensual physical relationship between the housemates.
- The woman was extremely drunk after an extended drinking bout on Saturday afternoon.
- The contest is due to reach its climax on November 11 and the man who is being blamed for assault his housemate is one of the finalists.
- It is estimated that in Africa, a woman is sexually assaulted every 40 seconds.
Personal reaction
I have always thought this kind of reality show was only able to reflect the human beings´miseries but I never thought they would be able to permit (and transmit)the rape of a person even more knowing that Africa is a country in which women are being sexually assaulted with more frequency. TV producers will never admit this incident could have been avoided but apparently money is more important than a woman’s dignity. It would be great this sort of TV show be finally banned so this world is less sick.
Date: November 1st, 2007
Source: http://www.thefirstpost.co.uk/index.php?storyID=9400
Conglomerate: a corporation consisting of a number of subsidiary companies or divisions in a variety of unrelated industries, usually as a result of merger or acquisition.
Undiluted: not weak.
Air: to broadcast or televise.
Drinking bout: a long period of drinking.
Copious: large in quantity or number; abundant; plentiful.
Adamant: utterly unyielding in attitude or opinion in spite of all appeals, urgings, etc./ determined or insistent.
Comatose: affected with or characterized by coma.
Chump: a stupid or foolish person; a dolt.
Footage: a shot or series of shots of a specified nature or subject.
Main Ideas
- African viewers saw a woman being assaulted by one of her housemates on Big Brother TV show.
- Viewers claimed to be concerned about this fact but TV producers say that there is no indication that she was unconcious at that time and that it appeared to exist consensual physical relationship between the housemates.
- The woman was extremely drunk after an extended drinking bout on Saturday afternoon.
- The contest is due to reach its climax on November 11 and the man who is being blamed for assault his housemate is one of the finalists.
- It is estimated that in Africa, a woman is sexually assaulted every 40 seconds.
Personal reaction
I have always thought this kind of reality show was only able to reflect the human beings´miseries but I never thought they would be able to permit (and transmit)the rape of a person even more knowing that Africa is a country in which women are being sexually assaulted with more frequency. TV producers will never admit this incident could have been avoided but apparently money is more important than a woman’s dignity. It would be great this sort of TV show be finally banned so this world is less sick.
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