Sunday, June 24, 2007

Be or not to be kind?

Oscar Wilde said once a little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal. Do you think so?
At school and at home we are taught at early age that we have to be kind with people in general, but what do we do when someone dislike us?...Well, it would be great to tell and do exactly what you feel and think, no matter the consequences. But in this world things are not that simple. People reject to the idea of being realistic and face the truth. Is it that we are not still accustomed to honesty?...I don’t think so. Perhaps we are afraid of hurting people’s feelings, but how long will you be able to stand people who bother you?. In my case, I try to be as much patient as I can but in some cases I feel I’m being cynical. I try to avoid certain situations but God knows he’s testing my patience.
However, my point is that we do not have to be nice just because of the simple fact of being nice. You need a reason for that. But don`t get me wrong with this. I`m not saying you have to be rude with the person who bothers you, but to be honest with your feelings and not pretend everything is ok when it isn`t.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Carito

Why are there no comments on your blog? It is very readable.

Anyway, here is one: you write well and I particularly liked what you wrote about the teacher who retired.

Every good wish from the UK.